Welcome to the Parent Right Web App!

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Parent Right is a FREE global resource for the collaboration of parents who believe in a Biblical Worldview, in Biblical Practices, and in the right to govern their own children's health, welfare, and education.

If you are, like us, tired of woke, cancel-culture ideologies and agenda, then welcome; you've come to the right place. Here you will find a community of like minds sharing experience and resources and asking for advice from each other.
Groups: Homeschooling | New Parents | Health | Behavior | K-5 Education | Middle School Education | High School Education | Ethics / Worldview | Technology

Regarding the technology we use: Parenting Right is Completely Independently Developed and Hosted, non reliant on: Social Media (and social media sharing), Integrated Collaboration Software (like Slack), Browser Snooping, Search Engine Listing, iOS and Android Publishing

Got questions? See our Quick Tutorial for more info, or Contact Us. also see our community rules.

You need a login before you can see or contribute to the community or groups, you will need to agree to our statements of belief as well as our terms and conditions; you will also need to be (and remain) an active part of a local church community before you can participate in this community.

Sign Up Here 
